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Massurrealism : (the short answer) A form of art rooted in the combination of mass media related art and surrealist imagery. This creative tendency is based on the further evolution of surrealism, with technology and mass media being the catalyst. It is a coalescence of mass media subjects and techniques to the surreal. This approach unites the more classical methodology with cutting edge and developing media. It is also evolutionary, driven by artists inspiration.

About massurrealism org - click here

In the meantime :
  Alan King
  Phil Kocsis
  Melanie Marie Kreuzhof
  Michael Morris
  James Seehafer
  Cecil Touchon
  Johnny Ramage
  Nadia Wahdan
  Simian Coates

Other Thoughts :
Domenic Ali - The Twilight Zone and Massurrealism - click here
Contemplating Massurrealism - click here

Articles related to media and popular culture :
  Marshall Mcluhan - ART AS ANTI-ENVIRONMENT - click here